Quarantine Chronicles

What’s consoling us right now?

The wind has been knocked out of us in so many ways.

Alongside the rest of the global communities entangled in this web unfortunate events, we are lost in a forest of unknowns and the coronavirus is a wildfire; it’ll keep consuming as long as there is fuel to burn. It’ll take our economies, social mobilities and freedoms away, if only temporarily.

I’ve navigated my way towards a better mental and emotional place with traditional carbonara as my guide…

I was supposed to be in Italy, if you all remember. If you’ve followed this blog from the beginning, you have read as my path has unfolded throughout mia vita in Italia, weeks in London, and explorations of Korea.

I’ve been on a perpetual journey of seeking to share global philosophies of food rooted across cultures and practices. From Slow Food University in Pollenzo to the Buddhist temples in Bukhansan National Park in Korea, food pathways tell a story, and Il Caffè is here to share them.

COVID has changed it all. Yet, it’s not all at a loss.

Now, it’s time to stay and dig a little deeper.